Astro Shyamsundar

Aquarius (20 January-18 February)

Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the Zodiac belt is ruled by Saturn. The natives of these zodiac signs are the first to adopt new ideas. They are known for their forward-thinking which might come across as eccentricity to others. In reality, Aquarians are highly intellectual people.

They have idealistic views about life and society. However, it is difficult to manipulate the natives of this air sign. They constantly require mental stimulation. Or else, they tend to lose interest very quickly, whether it is a job or a relationship.

Key Traits and Characteristics:

Symbol: The Water Bearer
Element: Air
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Saturn

  • They are highly independent. They do not need anyone to look after their wellbeing.
  • They are stimulated to bring large-scale changes.
  • They steer away from people-pleasing and petty gossip.
  • Their integrity and honesty are unquestionable.
  • They come across as cold, unemotional and detached people.
  • Being a fixed sign, they are stubborn in their attitude and approach.
  • They can only work with like-minded people, otherwise they challenge authority.
  • They lack social and communication skills and find themselves trapped in the cocoon built by themselves.

Most Compatible Signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius
Least Compatible Signs: Taurus and Scorpio

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