Astro Shyamsundar

Astrology Services We Offer

Are you feeling clueless in your love life? Are you lately feeling a loss of spark in your relationship? Are you uncertain about your 

Planetary placements in your birth chart, current planetary transits such as sade sati and your dasha period may give you tough

Does love marriage look like a distant dream that will never come true? Are you facing obstacles in getting married to the desired

Marriage is one of the most important decisions of life. It can determine the course of our lives. It also holds a promise to progeny

Do you feel that good career opportunities are snatched from your hands every single time? Do you feel that you haven’t received your

We understand that the process of visa application can be exhausting for many. Continuous rejection can shatter dreams of 

Are constant conflicts in your relationships disturbing your peace of mind? Do you feel helpless in saving your special relationship ?

In the current times, the friction between parents and children has increased with the emergence of unforeseen emotional issues

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