Astro Shyamsundar

Leo ( July 23- August 22)

Leo, the fifth sign of the Zodiac belt is ruled by the Sun, the king of planets. Sun is the very life energy and the king of the solar system. Therefore, the natives of this fire sign are charismatic and confident. They consider themselves no less than a king. Therefore, they are regal when it comes to lifestyle choices. Symbolized by a Lion, the natives of this sign are born leaders, and they uplift and inspire people. They enjoy the spotlight.

They carry a great creative force within as the body part associated with this sign is the womb or upper abdomen. Like the Sun, they are constant, reliable and devoted in relationships. However, this star power is overshadowed by their own ego, vanity and arrogance. While they are indomitable in other aspects of life, their pride become their greatest enemy and may lead to their fall.

Key Traits and Characteristics:

Symbol: The Lion
Element: Fire
Modality: Fixed
Ruling Planet: Sun

  • Lions in a true sense, Leos are fearless and strong.
  • Leos are born with great leadership qualities.
  • When it comes to ambitions and creativity, Leos are class apart.
  • Among all signs, Leos are the most generous and are regal in their ways of giving.
  • They consider themselves superior to others and are often arrogant.
  • They do not take criticism lightly and argue back.
  • They hide their true emotions behind a confident façade.
  • They love to be the centre of attraction all the time, a quality which may irritate others.

Most Compatible Signs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, and Sagittarius
Least Compatible Signs: Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius

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